UX Items [Fall 2019]

UX Items [Fall 2019]

Project Lead: Ashley Yang (Unlicensed)


In Winter and Spring 2019, the Interiors team brainstormed the driver-car interactions, screens (camera monitors, driver display, and infotainment), screen UI design, and ways to implement the UI designs. This term, our goal is to finalize the interior aspects related to hardware: screen placement and sizes, firmware implementation, instrument cluster and infotainment screen content. We also want to have a more concrete idea of the location and design of all mechanical features to prepare for manufacturing next term. Below is the timeline of tasks to complete before the end of the term.

Some UX Term Definitions:

  • User flow: path taken by a user to complete a task
  • Rainbow spreadsheet: Usability testing tool (excel spreadsheet) used to easily record/compare usability testing results
  • Usability testingevaluating a product/design by testing it on users
  • Low-fidelity (lo-fi) prototypeprototype that is sketchy and simple, used to quickly test design ideas.
  • KPI (Key Performance Indicator): a measurement that evaluates the success of a design/product

Tasks for physical components/screens:

  1. Ensure that all necessary mechanical components are addressed in the current proposed design.  
  2. Check design feasibility  
    • Compare user flows to current design
    • Make any design changes if necessary
    • Meet with electrical to discuss design feasibility
  3. Test design 
    • Gather users
    • Write a research plan (goals, research question, KPIs based on safety, performance, preference, tasks, follow-up questions)
    • Set up rainbow spreadsheet
    • Prepare mock-up
      • Create low-fidelity components and stick em on the MSXIV mockup
    • Conduct usability testing session
      • (1 or 2) People typing notes/responses in rainbow spreadsheet
      • (1) Person conducting session
      • (other people) Observing and coming up with probing questions
    • Summarize main findings/insights
      • List of top 5 insights
      • Design considerations to be made after determining problems
  4. Make design changes
  5. Validate design
    • Meet with hardware to discuss design feasibility
  6. Document final design on Confluence (smile)

Tasks for UI:

  1. Ensure that all necessary components are included in the driver display and infotainment screen.
    • Instrument cluster specifics
    • Infotainment screen specifics
      • Meet with hardware to determine what is possible to include on screens  
  2. Determine implementation method
    • Meet with firmware/hardware

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