Strategy Onboarding Stage 1: Team, Introduction - to - Repository, Basics (Under Construction)
Team Introduction (what we do, who we are, why we exist)
Who we are: The Strategy team is a fully remote team that builds data models and graphs to assist the team in making informed race decisions. By modelling the environment, the car, and the race route, the optimization model crunches data to tell us how much battery power there is in the vehicle, or what the optimal speed will be for the upcoming few KMs of the race based on the expected weather and elevation changes.
Why we exist: (to be updated for challenger)
S = (D/E) x C x T x P
This equation is the scoring equation for Multi-Occupant Vehicles (MOVs).
D - Total Person-Mile Distance (Miles travelled x People in car)
E - Total External Energy Usage
C - Completion factor (You finished or you didn’t)
T - Target Speed Derate (if you are under the expected average speed, 45km/h for ASC 2022, T = 0.2^n where n is the number of miles below the target speed)
P - Practicality score
MOV scoring is not just completing the race, there are a number of other factors that contribute to the score that determines the victor of ASC. Strategy uses a combination of models and data to make informed race decisions that will maximize the score in this equation.
Strategy Suite Overview
I know, there’s a lot of lines and a lot of boxes.
The above diagram represents the flow of data through the core Strategy Suite. All major models feed into the Optimization box, which outputs the optimal velocity and current battery level of MSXIV.
External APIs used:
Bing Maps
Getting Started with the Strategy Repository
Our Github repository can be found here.
Install Git
Check if you have Git installed on your computer by running the code below. If git does not exist, install from here. Note: you do need a Github account.
git --version
Install Python
Run the command below to check your Python version. Our team currently uses versions 3.6-3.8, any version in this range will do. If you do not have Python installed, download from here.
python --version
Clone the Repository
Open Terminal or Command Prompt. Navigate to the folder you would like to have the repository in using cd
. Once in the preferred location, run the following command:
git clone
After the download finishes, enter the folder with cd strategy
. You will then need to install the requirements for the repository by running the following command:
If py
does not work, try replacing it with python
, python3
, or pip3
Congratulations! You’ve got basic information on our team and have the repository installed.