Incorporating Kevlar into our Panels

Update: We can use wet layups to incorporate kevlar. We do not need to use prepreg. As such, it can be included in the “post-processing” steps. Once a panel is cured, we can apply kevlar, re-bag, and let it cure.

This was recently brought up as part of the regs for ASC 2021. This is a large deviation from our original plans and we need to address it.

Panels that will be affected are

  • roof

  • front bridge?

  • side bridge

  • side panel

  • rear bridge

  • trunk?? rear occupants

Panels that can still be mfg without kevlar, and still with prepreg are

  • wheel covers

  • hood


There are a few ways we can incorporate Kevlar onto our prepreg parts

  1. Using kevlar prepreg.

    1. cost/availability

    2. cure cycle needs to match our prepreg

  2. Wet lay once cf is cured

    1. need to look into regs and see if they specify anything, but it would basically be a reinforcement layup, in the mold and then vacuum bag again to let that resin cure



  1. Figure out if wet lay is possible

    1. if yes, then spec how much we need and where we need it

    2. if not, find kevlar prepreg then go back to step 1a

  2. quantify how much we need

    1. what panels, what area. maybe look at solidworks model and see what the affected range is. We only want to enforce what we need.

    2. probably at least a 60-75cm bubble around the occupant’s head

    3. will need CAD for this

  3. SI

  4. Create a timeline