Trello Card:
Find improvements in order to reduce the noise of the car.
Here would be some methods used in related industries: (By related industry, meaning the product has some characteristics which cancel noise.)
-Earphones: canceling noise by producing an anti sound wave so that the noise is canceled through destructive interference(software like)
-Housing: noise-canceling foam for walls
Steel Sound Enclosure: Constructed of modular steel panels
Silencers(attenuators or mufflers): offer the highest level of sound reduction for air generated noise
Implementation ideas:
Earphone Mechanism: having the software embedded in the speaker system.
Foam: considering changing the foam for seats(head cushion)
Enclosure: have to be built around engines(Practical?)
Silencer for the wind?
Idea Selection:
Next Steps:
These are the next steps that will be taken to solve this problem