All descriptions of parts, assemblies, drawings as well as folders names, text files and any other files stored in GrabCAD Workbench will use UpperCamelCase
For example: StandardComponents, UpperControlArm, etc
Solidworks Assemblies
Solidworks assemblies are to be named ASSEM-ShortDescription. Assemblies are not tracked
Solidworks Parts
Solidworks parts are to be named MS-#####-ShortDescription where #### is the part number. Part numbers are tracked here: MSXII Part and Drawing Numbers
If a part contains only sketch geometry, name the file MS-XXXXX-ShortDescription.
Solidworks Drawing
Solidworks drawings are to be named DWG-#####-ShortDescription-R##_ where #### is the drawing number, ## is the major revision and _ is the minor revision. Drawing numbers are tracked here: MSXII Part and Drawing Numbers
Major revisions are for any changes in the part's geometry. Minor revisions are for changes that only effect the drawing (ex. title block changes, missing dimensions, etc). For example, a drawing could be named DWG-12345-ExampleDrawingName-R01A. Where 01 is the major revision and A is the minor revision.
Equation File
Solidworks equation files are to be named EQUN-ShortDescription
Part Numbers vs Drawing Numbers
At Midnight Sun, part numbers are not the same as drawing numbers. Parts may have multiple drawings or some drawings may not reference a particular part. For this reason, we have elected to track part and drawing numbers separately.
Dates shall always be formatted as YYYY/MM/DD