This document has a table (bottom) that will be filled out each time a member of the electrical team is on-site. It will help us know what’s going on and if we are following the timelines on this sheet:
Date | Individual | Progress | Concerns |
sept. 18 | Jess | Got CANable adapters working, updated verified mcp2515 works on MCI rev 5 that has the CANable adapter soldered to it. Questions:
| CANable adapter should probably not be soldered to the board in future. Also had to sacrifice a system CAN terminating resistor in the debug process, sorry Blockers:
sept 21 - 9am | Aashmika + Kristen |
sept 25 | Jess | Figured out how to connect steering stalk to rev 4, tested some firmware
Oct 11 | Jess | Found source of CC DECR not working on steering. We implement interrupts in firmware using the STM32 external event input interface, which only has 16 lines. We set this up in firmware so we can register an interrupt on each pin number, e.g. PB1 and PA2 works but if you register PB1 then PA1 registering for PA1 will fail. The regen button and the CC on/off button still don’t consistently trigger interrupts. ADC values for CC on/off are consistently ~1600, with no noticeable variability when the button is pressed. The interrupt never triggers. ADC values for regen toggle are ~1600 when the button is unpressed, then they jump to ~1800 when the button is pressed. Occasionally the interrupt triggers, but not consistently. To have minicom ADC and interrupt logging, use branch Couldn’t find the center console board. Tried switching cables for driver display, but it seems pretty busted. |
Oct. 12 🦃 | Jess | Tested MCI with a bugfix from MPXE validation, the flow for setting drive output → getting pedal commands seems to work now. Precharge used to flip PB0 properly, but not PA10 (I was told this was because it only flips PA10 if the relay is connected, which it wasn’t, so this was expected behaviour). Now, precharge doesn’t seem to flip either, but this is under progress by hardware at the moment so hopefully will be fixed soon. Aside from that, MCI counts as validated. |