Please add project ideas 😄
Enforce tests for ALL projects/files made
Flashing tools
Flash over CAN (Bootloader)
Remote Flashing XBEE/RPI?
Can Explorer Part 2? CAN Bus Visualization (Graphing throttle position/RPM/SOC etc)
Simulations/Testing Rigs
Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL)
Controller board test rig (Controller board breakout into Arduino)
Suspension testing rig (IMU data that is ideally logged to telemetry and graphed)
Explore battery/cell characterization [R&D]
Small test rig that uses our modules + Current sense/AFEs + E-load to map discharge curves
Talk to Battery about what data is needed
New Systems
Solar data collection (Temperature, Current, Voltage)
Improvements on HV/LV
State of charge algorithm (Aryan might do this)
Current sensing on PD (exists already but hasn’t been validated)
Speed calculation using RPM (Needs validation)