7 June 2021
Go over Technical Requirements doc with Avery
Begin user recruitment – get names from Avery, start reaching out to people
Catherine Burns pick one of the tasks below, and slack me if you have any questions!
Interview guides
I plan to run semi-structured interviews: this means that you have a list of questions and topics you want to cover, but you’re not going down the list strictly – otherwise you sound like a robocall and it’s uncomfortable for everyone involved.
You’ll often base your inquiries on something interesting the person says until you’ve wrung out all the info on that line of inquiry, then move on to a question you’ve prepared.
Instead of a strict list of questions, we’ll begin preparing interview guides this week.
[link to resources/example]
Tasks | People |
Prepare interview guide for users who will be using the MSXIV telemetry dashboard that we design
Prepare interview guide for past users of the MSXII dashboard
MSXII - Cheryl Li
New/Current one - Riishi Jeevakumar
31 May 2021
Questions/Comments/Concerns! |
Tasks | People |
Compile list of technical requirements in Technical Requirements -- Telemetry Dashboard
Begin thinking about user needs
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Competitive analysis in Competitive Analysis -- Telemetry Dashboard
Timeline stuff???
When are midterms? When does the term end for everyone?
Midterms are scattered all throughout June
July slightly lighter
I’d like to wrap up the “preliminary research/onboarding” phase by June 21 and begin recruiting folks
Interviews until July 10 (if we’re lucky lol)
Research can run at the same time as interviews
Data analysis – likely in the form of some kind of 2 hour workshop (one-time thing)
Mid-July to August will be “actual” designing
Onboarding - (24 May 2021)
Welcome to telemetry!
What is Telemetry?
There’s a bunch of instruments/sensors/fancy things in the car
They measure like 500 different things
Telemetry: this data is recorded and transmitted to the user (on a laptop)
The purpose of the telemetry dashboard is to allows us to view historical car data and create new graphs or visualizations as necessary.
We need to display all this data in a coherent, legible, usable way
[insert screenshot of a line graph with >20 lines that firmware absolutely insisted had to be displayed like that so they could compare everything]
FSGP 2019 Telemetry dashboard
Onboarding To-dos for all of you (try to do by [May 31st])
1. Book 1-1s https://calendly.com/joyhe1-1/15min?month=2021-05 – they’re optional, but also highly encouraged: they help me.
What do you want to gain from this experience/what are your goals learning/career-wise?
What past experience do you have with UX and/or front-end?
How many hours do you think you can do each week?
What do you need from me?
2. Figure out what’s going on (and do some writing…sorry)
Data visualization and UX best practices – 1 to 2 hours Resources/Best Practices
Google! Find 3 good sources/articles/guides (that other people haven’t found yet).
Paste them into the doc and write a short summary of good points for each source you find
If you have questions, write them down too! We can research/look into them and write more info on the doc – you can also write them in the May 31st meeting notes
Telemetry dashboard – 30 min
Read Telemetry Server
Read Telemetry Software
Come up with at least 1 (non-googleable) question about things you’re confused about/you or the team needs clarification on/resources you want.
Write questions/comments in May 31st meeting notes so we can start with those at next week’s meeting
I will be funneling questions to other people as needed, so ask early!
Individual Tasks (2 people on each) – how long do we need?
Tasks | People |
Compile list of technical requirements in Technical Requirements -- Telemetry Dashboard
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Competitive analysis in Competitive Analysis -- Telemetry Dashboard
Upcoming Tasks | People |
Start looking at user needs – we know nothing about this right now
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Digging deeper into pain points with existing data visualization solutions
To-Dos for me Joy He (Deactivated)
Do the To-dos for all of you
Bug people about getting access to the actual FSGP2019 dashboard so y’all can poke around
Write up summaries of data visualization best practices resources I got from co-op
If you have questions/concerns about anything, message the Telemetry Dashboard channel. Your questions will likely help the entire team. You can also DM me!