DRIs: Micah Bai Steven Poung Contributors: Usamabadarr (Unlicensed) Kristen Emiko Shiozaki (Deactivated)
What are we sort of missing?
Audience interaction.
A social media “influencer” who actively engages our audience.
Who are our stakeholders / audience?
Current and potential?
This is really important in that we know who to “optimize” and target to.
Targeting, Big Data, Targeting.
What is our approach?
Passive approach
An inexpensive way to gauge our audience by passively observing and then reacting.
At the cost of “risking bad publicity to obtain good publicity”.
Useful as it can keep up with the modern fast-paced marketplace.
Example tool: good audience engagement -> loyal audience -> “free marketing”.
Active approach
Market research and direct marketing are “expensive”.
Most is now done through analytics, e.g., Google Adsense with keywords.
Useful as it can really narrow our target audience.
Example tool: hypertargeting gathers information about a specific audience from a myriad of sources and generates helpful audience profiles that we can target.
How do we engage our audience?
Turn them into active participants in our marketing strategy.
“Word-of-mouth” marketing. Social buzz.
Post, Share, Post.
Reach out and communicate. Look “alive”.
“Opinion leaders” / influencers who have a big base and can generate social buzz.
Why do we engage our audience?
Brand visibility / recognition.
Example: By actively engaging online with local businesses, we can attract a potential audience back to us.
What tools do we use to engage our audience?
Social media networks.
A strong Google organic search is highly social media dependant.
Visual social media networks have the highest interaction rates.
Three-step guide to engage our audience: identify the social chatter, initiate the social influencers, investigate a targeted campaign.
Details about specific tools/platforms: https://w.wiki/SeW
How do we measure our audience engagement? https://w.wiki/SeX 😏
How do we optimize our audience engagement? https://w.wiki/SeY
Note: The linked concepts above are expanded on elsewhere on our Confluence.
Adapted from: https://w.wiki/SeZ