Jira Guide Updated!

Jira Guide Updated!

Jira is the project management platform for MS16. Please track project progress and update your Jira tickets for clarity across mechanical teams and task accountability.

Following is the standard of MS16 Jira organization, if you are confused, please feel free to contact a lead


Task Hierarchy

There are 3 levels of hierarchy in Jira Management

  • Epics image-20241007-134859.png → Tasks image-20241007-134920.png → Subtasksimage-20241007-134931.png

Epics (highest): Overarching subsystem (ex. Chassis, Exteriors, Dynamics)

Tasks: Large Scale Goals of a subsystem (ex. Welding Jig, FSU, Canopy)

Subtasks: Steps towards achieving task goals (ex. CAD design, nodal, research)

Team leads should be responsible for populating and organizing the Jira board with tasks/subtasks and assigning responsible members to tasks. Members are responsible for updating their own Jira tickets.

Please update your task tickets regularly. It does not need much, just a quick sentence/ picture to show your progress, but it helps to keep communication clear across teams.

Task Card

By Clicking on each task ID, you can see its task card:

  • Linked issues: Any related issues/ issues are blocking the task from completion - link them here

  • Confluence Content: Technical documentation located in Confluence for reference

  • Activity: Quick task updates to log activities

  • Assignee: member working on the task

  • Reporter: team lead overlooking the task

  • Priority: high, medium or low

  • Start & Due date: Please enter, it is empty by default


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