Good news, I have come to an arrangement with our parent company and the powers that be to fund the sponsorship! I’ll briefly outline your two options below and then I’ll put together a formal quotation depending on what you would like to go for:
Option A – Neoden 3V
We sponsor $2000 towards your purchase making the price $5999 + shipping (down from $7999).
Option C – Neoden 4
We sponsor $6000 towards your purchase making the price $5999 + shipping (down from $11999).
Having just typed and laid that out it seems like a no brainer for you to go for Option C! Shipping costs will be slightly higher than Option A but the Neoden 4 will be more beneficial for the lab in the long run. Obviously you may want to purchase additional feeders as well, which we can talk about.
I’d also like to jump on a call with you to talk through specifics of the sponsorship package, we’d like to change a few things, focusing more on social media content/exposure and case studies.
The next available ND3V or ND4 will be available to ship early August. I may have one available earlier if required.
15x8mm and 3x12mm
The 8mm ones are 119$ each and the 12mm ones are 129$ each
automatic feed rail machine
Sponsorship Details
ND4 in stock in early August - $5999 + shipping costs + customs clearance
shipping will be approximately $500-$600 from northern NJ
might want to look into a broker (university) → to help with packages coming across the border
10-13% to clear customs
Not a taxable good → no tax!
To provide a formal quote + send customer stories
Sponsorship agreement?
Yes → sending next week
Social Media exposure → accounts to tag?
To be sent
how often would you like the pushes to be? Any specific times?
Expecting 2 months after
Social media exposure reviews
send blog posts for review