18650 Cell Distributors

The following is a list of 18650 cells distributors, in rough order of recommendation to purchase cells from.

The relative pricing for the MJ1s shows the relative costs of the distributors. If we were to go with another cell these prices can be used as a guide to find the cheapest supplier.

DistributorLocationShips From (at least for small orders)Relative Pricing (price for 1000x MJ1, USD)Relative Pricing (price for 1000x Sanyo GA, USD)Relative Pricing (price for 1000x Sony VC7, USD)Notes
 Queen BatteryChina China 2.70

Ships from china, might be a hassle, but still much cheaper that the others
Battery BroCalifornia, USAHong Kong, China 3.24
N/AAdvertises easy customs and shipping procedures, no hidden fees
NKONNetherlands, EUNetherlands, EU 3.77

Taxes, imports, and VAT extra
IMR Batteries Texas, USA Texas, USA4.004.10
 Taxes, imports, and VAT extra. This is where we got the test cells for MSXIV
Li-ion WholesalePennsylvania, USA Pennsylvania, USA4.734.14
Cells were bought from here for MSXII - large orders shipped from China?
Battery Junction Connecticut, USA Connecticut, USA 5.15 (possibly lower)

Taxes, imports, extra

Fast Tech ChinaChina 5.15 (possibly lower) 

 Not a specialized battery distributor
Voltaplex  Hong Kong, China  Hong Kong, China  3.90