- Adopt a Cell through our website
- Have part of the website that gives a visual representation of how many cells have been adopted
- Use of PayPal, GoFundMe etc
- Send out a thank you gift to all donators
- Personalized thank you card
- Sticker
- Magnet
- 3D Printed Cell
- Personalized thank you email
- Promotion
- Posts throughout social medias
- Website promotion
- By "word of mouth" throughout team members and their friends/family
Action Items:
- Creating the webpage for campaign
- Deciding which payment method to use
- Research on what type of thank you gift to send out based on cost, level of difficulty to execute
Winter 2017 Term:
- Planning out the details of the campaign
Spring 2017 Term:
- Gathering the materials needed for campaign
- Ordering thank you gifts if needed
- Website work
Fall 2017 Term:
- Launch of campaign
Members Involved:
Toni Li (Deactivated), Tengyue Wang (Deactivated), Ghazal Malekanian (Unlicensed), Queenie Wang (Unlicensed), Iris Chang (Unlicensed)