Hardware Interview Guide

Hardware Interview Guide

@Joy He (Deactivated)

1. Introductory

  • Tell me about your subteam fits within Midnight Sun

  • Tell me about your role within your subteam

  • Have you ever been in an actual race before?

  • Have you used telemetry dashboards before in the past? Dashboards for visualizing complex data in general? 

    • What were you using them for?

    • How well did you feel you were able to use them? (“overwhelming, hated every second of it”; or “very easy to read data”)

    • Can you tell me the software/brand/app/website the dashboard was from?

      • Could be useful to run quick competitive analysis of them

2. Data prioritization

  • Two card sorting exercises: give them all the data points as cards in Miro, and ask them to sort the cards 

  • Overview of card sorting: https://www.justinmind.com/blog/card-sorting/

  • Exercise 1: categorize the data by importance

    • Closed card sort. Categories centered around ranking importance (ie “this is mission-critical” to “I would never check this”)

    • Gets participants warmed up to doing card sorts — closed/ranking style card sort will be easier on them

    • Ask them to explain why they ranked the data in the way that they did

  • Exercise 2: categorize the data by task

    • For example: these are the data points I would check to do xyz task

    • Open card sort. Allow participants to duplicate cards and place them in multiple categories. Participants should come up with their own categories.

    • Ask them to explain the tasks

    • I’m not sure how successful/comfortable the participant will be with this

  • I expect this exercise to take up a good chunk of the interview

3. Process involved in performing tasks

  • What do you expect to use the telemetry dashboard for during the actual race?

    • Can you give me an overview of the tasks you and your subteam would be doing? 

      • would also get this from the task-based card sort

    • What data would you need for each of those tasks? 

      • again, would get this from the task-based card sort

    • Are these tasks time-sensitive?

  • Do you or your subteam need to deal with visualizing large sets of data in your MidSun work? 

    • What do you currently use for that?

4. Stakeholder stuff

  • Can you tell me what you know about this telemetry dashboard project?

  • What do you expect it to be? I know you probably don’t know much about this project, so please conjecture

  • What would you want it to be? What’s some magical feature you wish it could have?

5. IRL race experience, if they have any

  • Steal from MSXII interview guide :)