11/21/20 Strategy Weekly
Kristin/Emma: talked over the motor efficiency and how to improve on the current version, working to determine the technical implementation
Ryan/Vikram: weren't able to meet, Ryan reviewed links and code that Michah provided, will schedule a meeting with Micah or Michael due to unfamiliarity, looking to start working on that this week
Krishna: elevations is completed, waiting for Umar to finish navigation, wrote some documentation on elevations to update Confluence, PR coming soon
Janet/Tanishq: Moved some functions from alt_gain.py, had questions about one of the functions (speed rec),
Sally/Anh: code is running, should be able to get the weather data for specific longitude/latitude, will open a PR to show the code and see what should be reduced,
Jennifer/Linna: APIs list narrowed down, had solar meeting with Emma and Michael, some overlap may exist in the APIs between solar and weather, may look into a meeting