Old / Deprecated

A space for moving old or deprecated pages. Please add an entry to the log when you deprecate a page or space.


DatePages/Spaces AddeDescriptionReplacement
September 8, 2016Resource subpagesMerged the pages that were just a list of PDFs into one unified PDF library. Deprecated pages stored in thePDF Library
October 10, 2016Aerobody Panel MountsDuplicate of already existing project page. Can be deleted, but I couldn't find the delete button...Space Frame Aerobody Interface
October 11, 2016Driver Controls Subsection

The driver controls subsection was removed since its subprojects fell under other categories more intuitively. Gas and brake pedal were moved to Brakes (to be supervised by Lauren Elizabeth Hankins (Deactivated)) while the steering wheel project was moved to Suspension and Steering (to be supervised by David Ling (Unlicensed)).

September 11, 2018Jira WorkflowPage was removed due to the team shift towards Trello for issue tracking. The page was not repurposed for Trello as there is some good theory into agile project management and a skeleton workflow there. None
September 11, 2018Chassis Sim & OptimizationOld scratch page that most likely should have been in a personal space. Nothing of value in the pageNone
September 11, 2018Wheel and Rim DesignWas never used - MSXII inherited both from MSXI. Will eventually be replaced by a general knowledge page in ResourcesNone for now