ANSYS - ACP (Post)

ACP (Post) allows you to analyze the composite model you have been testing after it has gone through an analysis system (static structural, explicit dynamics, etc). More specifically, it lets you look through the layers of the composite sheets so you can analyze each sheet of material individually, so you can make a more informed decision of what type of material (Unidirectional vs weave) and direction is the best.


  1. After you run your model through an analysis system, add an ACP (Post) block like this
  2. Then open Results in the ACP (Post) block
  3. Open the Solutions folder
  4. Right click on Solution 1
  5. Click Create Stress ... (or another result you would like to look at)
  6. For stress, you can look through each ply of the material
  7. Open the Modeling Groups folder
  8. Open up your ply and select through the plies to see each individual layer
  9. Now you are able to analyze each ply in the composite bodies

SimCafe Tutorial