Choosing Cells to Test

Choosing the right cell to use in MSXIV is paramount to the safety, weight and capacity of the battery pack. In order to choose the best cell, we will be conducting tests on multiple cells to characterize discharge curves, temperatures, and energy density.

Cylindrical Li-ion cells provide the highest energy density, and are also the safest cells, as they are widely used in electric vehicles, e-bikes, and spacesuit batteries ( New cell technologies are generally first implemented into cylindrical cells because of the ease of manufacturing, and then later into prismatic cells.

We looked into all the highest capacity and energy density cells on the market to determine the cells that we will test, based on energy density, manufacturer, reviews, and use in DIY communities. Below is a sheet outlining all the cells that were researched, and which ones we will be testing.

Cells that we will certainly be testing: (In order of expected performance based on research above)

LG INR18650M36

Sanyo NCR185650GA

Sony US18650VC7

LG INR18650MJ1

Samsung INR1865035E

Panasonic NCR18650B

Cells that we would like to test if available:

LG INR21700M50

Samsung INR2170050E

We will require a minimum of 4 cells of each type in order to test, but more would be better. An ideal amount would be somewhere between 8 and 12 cells. As shown by this test of 40 cells (, there is a large variance in capacity of the same model on cells. With more cells, a better average capacity will be available.