CFD - Prof Peterson Meetings

CFD - Prof Peterson Meetings

Meeting 1 (2018.10.17)

Validation Strategy for CFD

  • Wind tunnel testing is the only good way to validate FEA
  • Best to look for as much experimental data as possible for air foils in ground effect (perhaps NACA 0018)
  • Fixed angle of attach makes our analysis simpler 

Expansion Ratio

  • The way the expansion ratio is defined doesn't really matter, more important that the size of the cells reflects the size of thee boundary layer
  • We can approximate the car as a flat plate and calculate the size of the boundary larger given the length and Reynolds number (probably turbulent BL from start to finish)


  • Best to look at wall function rather than Y+. Pay specific attention to the "log layer" of the velocity profile on the wall:

Other Notes

  • Very important that the density of the mesh in the boundary layer is continued into the wake of the vehicle 
  • If the wake of the vehicle is invalid, the entire simulation is garbage

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