Composite Testing



  1. Research different joint's and methods of fastening both composite to composite and composite to metal
  2. Design and build a series of test jigs to test different types of joints
  3. Develop a test plan for evaluating different types of composite joinery
  4. Create samples of each joint and record their strengths 

Joints of interest: 



Properties of interest
T Joint

  • Bending perpendicular fo seam
  • Bending parallel to seam
Pin and grommet

  • Tensile - what is the method of failure?
    • Tear out?
    • Pin Shear?
    • Tensile rupture?
Hole: force perpendicular so surface of composite

  • How much does the strength differ if you add a:
    • Washer?
    • Grommet?
    • Sheet metal plate behind?
Add more joints if you think of any  


Some resources for getting started: 


For any questions about MSXI steering, contact Devon Copeland

Members working on this project: 

Jig Design: 

fill in with jig design notes

Test Plan:

fill with test plan

Test Results:

fill with results