Brakes Mounting
Based on lessons learned from MS15, we have decided to attach the brakes to the chassis instead of the floorboards. This will prevent movement of the overall assembly, which is dangerous for the driver during braking and complicates passing dynamics regulations (e.g., the brake test).
There are currently two ways to mount the brakes to the chassis: floor mounting, using either gussets or horizontal tabs/plates, or wall mounting, using vertical tabs. This page will evaluate the pros and cons of each method and will be used to track how the brakes will be mounted onto the MS16 chassis.
Link to discord thread for more information: Brakes Mounting Thread
The brake pedal and accelerator pedal should be aligned with each other.
The brake pedal must be within a specified distance from the master cylinder.
Proper mounting of the brake lines is required.
The driver should be able to fully depress the brake comfortably, without interference to the driver's foot while braking.
Floor Mounting
Welded Tabs:
Wall Mounting
Welded Vertical Plate: