Limit Switch Mounting
The purpose of this document is to give an update on how the limit switch will be mounted on the brake pedal mechanism
Our Limit Switch:
The limit switch that we are using is the Omron SS-5GLT
Mounting Holes:
Limit Switch Important Dimensions:
When fully depressed the size of the limit switch is approx 10.5mm
Unclick Distance: When testing found that the switch untrips after about 1.2-1.3mm
Limit Switch Housing Design:
Important Design Notes:
Needed slight adjustability (~1mm) to move the housing back and forth to position limit switch
Part is most likely going to be 3D Printed
Wanted a solution that uses fasteners as opposed to other solutions (such as hot glue)
The limit switch actuation point is important (how far does the pedal need to depress for the limit switch to trip)
Original Design Concept (From Matthew):
The hole size and look were exaggerated for my understanding
Current Design:
Nodal Diagram: