AGMA Gear Stress Briefing + Calculations

AGMA Gear Stress Briefing + Calculations

J: Bending Strength Geometry Factor

  • Accounts for tooth geometry and related stress

  • Uses gear teeth #, pinion teeth #, gear vs. pinion, pressure angle coming at tooth tip, correction factor)

Kv: Dynamic Factor

  • Accounts for the vibrational loads created from tooth to tooth impact of gear teeth

  • Depends on:

    • Gear Quality Index (Qv)

      • AGMA determined geometric accuracy of teeth (Q3 to Q16, low to high quality)

        • Accounts for:

          • Tooth lead or tooth alignment (difference between the specified lead/helix angle and the actual in spur/helical gearing)

          • Involute profile variation

          • Pitch variation/Spacing variation

          • Radial runout (accuracy in distances from teeth to center of rotation)

    • Pitch line velocity

      • PLV = (pi*pitch diameter*gear speed)/12

  • Calculating Kv:

  • Instead of calculating the dynamic factor, you could take into account the resulting transmission errors of gear quality Wt (tangential load) and leave dynamic factor as 1

Km: Load Distribution Factor

  • Depends on face width of the gear

  • Accounts for uneven distribution of Wt to the face width

  • Increases with size of face-width

Ka: Application Factor

  • Accounts for fluctuating/shock loads on the teeth

  • Does not apply in smooth applications (Ka =1)

Ks: Size Factor

  • Considers that test samples in fatigue data testing may be smaller than in real life

  • AGMA has no value or formula

  • Generally, Ks=1 when you limit the maximum allowed stress limit

  • Conservative approach: Ks 1.25-1.5

Kb: Rim Thinness Factor

  • Gears made on solid disks: Kb=1

  • Gears that are very large made on rims and spokes (thin rim to tooth depth)

Ki: Idler Factor

  • Idler experiences more cycles of stress per unit of time

  • Idler: Ki=1.45

  • Non-idler: Ki=1


AGMA Gear Calculator


Source: Gear Design by AGMA Theory: Online Calculator


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