Battery Pack Cooling Validation


  • Research pack cooling methods

  • Previous car used PC fans for active cooling and thermal pads on the bottom of the modules for passive cooling

  • Are there any other ideas we haven’t considered or researched into yet?

    • For example is there any way we can design the shape of the car so that it naturally draws some air into and through the battery pack?

  • Decide with Aerobody on how we want to create “holes” in the car to allow for ventilation of the pack

    • Regulations require that ventilation air is drawn to the exterior of the car

  • Are the methods that we decide on sufficient for keeping the pack cool (without drawing too much power)?

    • This will likely require some more in depth calculations or simulations, maybe creating a prototype of our proposed modules? For this you can probably brainstorm how we can validate this, and then sync with @Owen Li and @Eric Zhao to create a plan to verify that we can reasonably maintain a safe battery temperature
