Center of Gravity Calculations
The location of the Centre of Gravity (aka CG) is very important when determining the load transfer and thus designing the suspension systems. With the current research into a 3-wheel vehicle, we also must consider the stability of the vehicle (if the CG of an object is not over the base of support, it will fall over).
Guiding Questions
These are the main questions to solve for this task.
Where would be the optimal placement of the CG?
If this takes too long to research assume the centroid of the shape created by the contact patches of the tires. As well, the lower the CG is the better. There will be a video on load transfer in the resources section that will explain why mathematically.
Where can we place objects in the car such that the CG reaches an optimal location?
The main objects to look at would be motors, chassis, driver, and battery box. This might change as the project evolves. Mainly looking to see if everything can fit in the chassis or modification need to be made.
Extending Questions
There are the questions that would extend the project further, but take a lower priority over the Guiding Questions.
I have none, for now…
@Mohamed Goha has a prototype bullet chassis that would be good to test with in CAD.
@Owen Li and @Eric Zhao would have more detail on the size and weight of the battery box.
Vehicle Weight Transfer and Load Transfer
Motor Documentation (MSXIV Motors)
Weight Budget (MSXII CG Calculations - simplified to 2D, I would like to see 3D) (reg 9.2 dictates driver weight)