Guide to Jira

Guide to Jira

MSXV Mechanical Jira - Full Vehicle: https://uwmidsun.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/MSXVFV/boards/28

Implemented January 2022, going forward the Mechanical Team will use Jira software to organize, assign, and monitor the progress of tasks for the vehicle. This platform will replace the current methods of task organization, which is using a confluence page/slide deck and linking other confluence pages. The Jira board is a great tool to see the big picture of a project, and just as easily see the smallest details of a task. Leads are responsible for ensuring accuracy of their subteam’s task cards.

Video Brief



Epics - The build cycle can be divided into different subsections based on subteam (Dynamics, Chassis, Battery Box, and Aerobody):

Research Epics (one epic per subteam): Tasks in this epic should be related to the acquisition of knowledge (typically online) on any topic (e.g. Task: Determining the different ways to manufacture composite panels).

Design Epics (one epic per subteam): Tasks in this epic should be related to the digital creation or analysis (CAD/FEA) of any part, assembly, or system on the vehicle (e.g. Task: Designing the Upper Control Arm for the front suspension).

Manufacturing Epics (one epic per subteam): Tasks in this epic should be related to the manufacturing process of any part, both in house and outsourced (e.g. Task: Get Chassis Tubes Welded by VR3).

Vehicle Testing (one epic for all subteams): Tasks in this epic should be related to testing the vehicle post manufacturing (e.g. Thermal Analysis of Battery Pack).

Race Admin Preparation (one epic for all subteams): Tasks in this epic should be related to deliverables for the ASC competition (e.g. Task: Write and submit the PVDR).

Miscellaneous Tasks (one epic for all subteams): Tasks in this epic should be related to projects that do not directly relate to any of the other epics listed (e.g. Toolbox Organization in the bay).

The timeline on the right of the epics gives an idea of how long each epic will take, and are organized in chronological due date order.

Tasks can be created under their respective epics, in the roadmap page you’ll see the task name, and it’s status, along with the assignee.


The board will be the primary interface for all team members, tasks can be sorted based on status into one of five columns:

Up Next: This column is for tasks that need to get done, but have not started yet. These tasks may have an assignee already, but if not, it’s a great place for members to inquire about tasks.

In Progress: This column is for tasks that are currently being worked on at any stage of completion.

To Be Reviewed: This column is for tasks that have been completed by the assignee and are awaiting review from the lead/advisor who issued the task (e.g. Task: Design Bellcrank Clevis for Suspension - To Be Reviewed: The dynamics lead needs to verify the accuracy of the FEA results).

Blocked: This column is for tasks that are unfinished but temporarily restricted from being completed for a specified reason (e.g. Task: Sandwich Panel Core Cleanup - Blocked Reason: Waiting for response from buyer).

Completed: This column is for tasks that have been completed, it is a good record of what has been done in the past.

Tasks can be dragged and dropped (by members or by leads) into the respective columns depending on the status of the task.

Task Cards

To open a task, go to either the Roadmap or the Board and click on it to display the task details. The title of the task will be at the top left, and beneath that are some actions you can perform to the task card.

Attach: Add a file from your computer to the card (e.g. CAD file, word document, picture, etc.)

Add a child issue: Used to break down a task into further subtasks, each with their own status and assignee as needed.

Link issue: Reference other task cards that have a dependency or relation to the task card.

Arrow Dropdown (beside link issue): Used to link a website or confluence page to the task card.

Description: Using the template in the photo shown (Task Description, Tools/Resources Required, Approvers), an accurate description of the task should be provided in the description box. The Tools/Resources Required is a section to outline what the assignee needs to complete that task (software(s), physical tools, data/information). The Approvers section should have a list of the people (typically leads) who can approve, review, and validate the task (they will be the ones to review the task in the To Be Reviewed column on the Board).

Child issues: A list of subtasks that are required to complete before the task card can be completed.

Comment Section: Intended for the assignee to give brief updates on the status of the project (e.g. Aidan Commented at 9:00am on Thursday: “Li-Sulfur and Li-polymer cells have been compared and work is published to confluence, working on solid state cells now.”)

Task Details: Use the Details section of the task card to specify details of the task to the assignee.

Status Bar (top left of photo): Used to indicate the column the task is in.

Start Date: The day that the task was created/starts (pick a date on the calendar when prompted).

Due Date: The day that the task needs to be completed (pick a date on the calendar when prompted).

Assignee: The directly responsible individual for the task, this assignee will be updating the task card as needed based on the progress made for their task.

Additional Assignee: Optional, the other responsible individuals for the task.

Labels: A series of labels can be assigned to a card to help sort and organize the task type within the Epics.

Development: N/A

Reporter: The person who created the task (automatic).

Assigning a Task

The process for assigning a task is simple, create the task card (ensuring all details are filled in), add the assignee to the card, and notify them (if they don’t know already) that they have been assigned a task.


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