Chassis Integration

Chassis Integration

What is it?

Fairly self-explanatory. We need to fit the dynamics components onto the chassis and bolt them down.

Where on MSXIV?

The following items must be completed:

  • Anywhere where there needs to be a bolt head or nut, it can’t be clamping down on carbon fibre (or at least not the core). This means we need holes in some places in the CF where it’s already been applied to the chassis (basically anywhere there’s a hole for a bolt). Progress on this has started, but is not complete.

  • There are a couple missing holes on the chassis for dynamics components, namely directly under the bellcrank (2 total), and for mounting the front shock (4 total).

    • The holes under the bellcrank must be drilled with a 90deg attachment, since a drill will not fit

    • The holes for mounting the shock were left off because I was skeptical of the CAD. Essentially, the suspension should be such that the shocks are compressed at ~20-25% travel when the car is fully loaded and at rest. In this position, the LCA should be flat. In essence, this is a geometry problem that I have not gotten around to solving. The height of the shock mount must be calculated based off the length of the shock (at 25% compression) and the geometry of the shock mount, bellcrank, and pushrod. This can all be done in CAD. Take specs of the shock from the documentation of the shocks in the bay.

  • The bellcrank clevises are just a bit too narrow to fit around the chassis tubes. Fix however you see fit.


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