With Surface bagging, it was relatively easy to make, with very little pleating required.
However, this bag failed due to the cracks in the mold. We tried to plug it with tacky tape but wow, it was a huge time sink and never worked.
Instead, we tried to envelop bag it. We did this with one long sheet and then folding it in on itself. Here, we just had to make sure that the bag itself was long enough to enclose and adhere to the entire surface of the mold (I stuck at wording it but you’ll see in the next few pics).
Here, you can see the two envelop bagged molds, with the bag adhering/following the curve as explained in the last blurb. Hopefully, that helps paint a better picture. In the end, the closer vacuum bag failed, probably due to the heat of the heater heating (ha) the tacky tape up and causing a leak somewhere. Otherwise, they were both initially brought to roughly -25 psi (I think those are the units on the SDC vacuum pump gauge but I could be wrong).
One small caveat was that the screws (seen with those sharp things poking out of the mold) were accidentally bagged without covering them on the first go. This was fixed for the second bag but they ended up not puncturing a hole in the bag anyways. However, it’s still a good thing to keep in mind moving forward.