Aluminum-MDF/Aluminum Bonding and Adhesives
- Mohamed Goha
To fasten aluminum to mdf an adhesive is used to support and bond the connection. The general adhesive used in most cases is epoxy or polyurethane. Alongside an adhesive selection, the use of screws may be needed to hold down a sheet of aluminum as the adhesive dries. A sample video of the application process is shown below.
Referring to the video and other sources, a general adhesive epoxy/urethane can be used in this application. A sample adhesive that can be purchased is the following fast grab polyurethane adhesive from Home Depot. or
A more industrial and bulk option can be looked into further if necessary, but for the current application, the adhesives found will get the job done.
To fasten aluminum to aluminum either an adhesive or welding/brazing/soldering is used to support and bond the connection. With the availability of a welding shop, the option to weld aluminum is the preferred option. Welding aluminum however comes about with its own disadvantages, the main downside is the increased possibility for porosity. According to The Fabricator, as aluminum melts, it becomes more susceptible to containing hydrogen bubbles[]. After the weld has cooled, the amount of hydrogen found within the molten aluminum leaves gaps within the weld, which could result in porosity. This disadvantage might not be as detrimental since it can be avoided using the choice of an inert gas during welding (argon/helium). The other concern that arises is the melting of thin sheet metal during the welding process. This problem can be negated by adjusting the feed and speed of the weld material.
The other bonding option is the use of an adhesive similar to that discussed in the Aluminum-MDF section.