Rough MFG plan's
This page will contain a bunch of rough work as to how we may go about manufacturing our molds, as more molds are finalized, the more information will be put into here, these are just a bunch of thoughts and calculations for what we will need come MFG time.
Back Bridge:
This mold will need one 8x4x1 MDF sheet.
Volume of the MDF stacking: around 52 cubic feet.
Surface area of mold: around 3.86 square feet/around 0.358 square meters
if split up into 3 sections, this will be able to be made in house
This mold will need twelve 8x4x1 MDF sheets.
Volume of the MDF stacking: around 1.625 cubic feet.
Surface are of mold: around 43.7square feet/ 4.06 square meters
even with splitting it off into sections, won’t be able to be made in house