Spot Welding

Spot Welding

We have the K-Weld spot welder.

Before using it, make sure to have a read-though of the manual above.


Other things to keep in mind:

  • Keep a fan blowing across the battery, cables, and electrodes at all times during welding. Use the same fans as for soldering.

  • The Battery undervoltage warning is set to 10.8V. If you hit this level, stop welding and charge the battery. 1 charge is typically good for welding 2 complete modules.

  • Keeping some light pressure on the battery during use is preferable. I may create a 3D printed jig for this, but until then a flat piece of wood and some light pressure from the clamps works. Don’t over-compress them. The cells like to be compressed, but not to the point that you short them - If you’re unsure, don’t compress them at all and have Micah show you (or go and read a bunch of forums on lipo pouch cell battery packs).


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