Door Frame

Door Frame



Matt Suski

Checked by



MS Part NumberMS00068, MS00069
MaterialAluminum 6061 T6
Yield strength270 MPa
Endurance Strength
Max von Mises Stress149.48 MPa
Max displacement0.48mm
Safety Factor1.8

Background Information 

Door frame of the car, set with the hinge mounts, and connected to the tubes on the chassis using the welded hinge pins


Needs to withstand 5g loading as per ASC Regulations

Loading and Boundary Conditions 

In order to simulate a load a bumper was added to the assembly. The bumper is 10cm high as specified by regulation, and was placed at the average height of a bumper for a large vehicle. Then the boundaries of the chassis tubes were fixed in order to fully constrain the assembly, and an acceleration of 49m/s^2 was applied to all bodies to simulate the 5 g load

The chassis and door frame have a no separation contact

The hinge pins have a bonded connection to the chassis tubes

The bumper has a bonded connection to the door frame


von Mises Stress 
Mesh Independence

 The geometry of the door frame was not conducive to mesh refinment, due to the trims of the tubes themselves. Because of this convergence could not be plotted. As a result a dense mesh refinment was added to the door frame and the bumper, to over refine the part initially, to prevent innacuracies in the simulation.

Conclusion & Recommendation 

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