Aerobody Panel Mounts

Aerobody Panel Mounts


Project Team:

Owen, Susan, Lorraine, Annie

Project Supervisor(s):
Stakeholders:Aerobody Team
JIRA link:


Background Information:

MSXII will consist of a spaceframe chassis, that will ensure its structural integrity, and composite panels for its aerobody, which will give the car its final shape and outer shell. This project is to design and create an appropriate mechanism for the aerobody panels to be attached to the spaceframe chassis. During assembly and repair procedures for MSXII, we need to be able to easily access the interiors of the car, beneath the aerobody panels. Thus, it would be ideal if these linkages could be both incredibly secure when fastened, but also able to be unfastened if we ever need to strip the car to its bare frames. 

Currently, we are still debating whether to use round or square tubes for the spaceframe. However, for design purposes, please assume that round tubes for the spaceframe will be used and that the aerobody panels are completely flat. 


Design and manufacture a securely fastened but also detachable linkage mechanism for the aerobody panels to be attached to the spaceframe chassis. 

Project Requirements

Rayce Regulations

Internal Requirements

These are requirements driven by Midnight Sun. 

  • Must securely fasten aerobody panels to the chassis (assume round metal tubing, 1" OD)
  • Panels must be able to detach from the chassis if needed

Soft Requirements

Some items to consider

  • Ease of manufacturing
  • Weight
  • Costs (material, method of manufacturing, etc.)


  • At least one concept sketch per member by OCTOBER 13th (next meeting). Please be sure to outline how exactly your mechanism will work.