ASG/FSGP Regulations Notes

ASG/FSGP Regulations Notes

Taken from: http://americansolarchallenge.org/ASC/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/FSGP-2017-Regs-External-Revision-A.pdf

Structural Analysis Specifications:

ASC 2018: F 3.3

ASC 2018 10.8G

Driver cabin

6.4 Visibility:

  • Driver's eyes must be at least 700mm above ground-level
  • Forward vision from normal driving position; driver must see at all times (without artificial assistance): 
    1. Point on ground, 8m in front of car
    2. Point 6.4m above ground, 12.2m in front of car
    3. 100º to either side of centre
  • Rear vision: system must allow driver to see a vehicle 15m behind and up to 30º off-centre

6.5 Egress:

  • Ensure openings allow for quick and unassisted egress from both sides of the vehicle

6.6 Ballasts:

  • Drivers weighing under 80kg must bring their weight up to 80kg with the use of ballasts
  • Ballasts must be stored within containers, which are then to be put in to carriers within the vehicle
  • Must consider location, mounting and design of ballast carriers
    • Must have 1 or 2 carrier boxes
    • Must be securely fastened to a structural member of the car and/or demonstrated to hold the ballast fixed in the even of an impact
    • Ballast containers (stored within carriers) and its identification and security markings must be visually accessible by the observer during driver changes

7.3.B Seating Position:

  • Less than or at 27º (see appendix B)

Structural Chassis

7.3.E Crush Zone:

  • An additional structural crush zone attached to the structural chassis must be provided in the area of the driver’s torso
  • Can take the form of additional tube frames or other energy absorbing material
    • Materials must stay intact upon impact; must not splinter
  • Must be designed to yield at 5g impact 
  • **See regulations for more information

7.3.F Roll Cage: