Steering Wheel and Control Stalk Materials/Manufacture/Assembly Concepting

Steering Wheel and Control Stalk Materials/Manufacture/Assembly Concepting


Matl’s/Mfr/Assem DRI


Project DRI

Matl’s/Mfr/Assem DRI


Project DRI


@Name, @Name, @Name



Interesting research, images, links, recap of regulations, etc.

Material Concepting

Concepts for what materials to use

Manufacturing Concepting

Concepts for what manufacturing processes to use

Assembly Concepting

Concepts for how various materials and parts will assembly together

Proof-of-Concept Testing

What sort of testing should we be doing to ensure our chosen materials/manufacturing processes/assembly methods will work on the end-product?

Could include ordering samples, testing fastening/joining methods, testing assembly procedures.

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