Steering Arm FEA
Boundary Conditions for FEA/Steering Arm Force
Hand Calculations
Steering arm moment arm dimensions.
Steering Arm FEA Setup and Results
Model found in GrabCAD\MSXIV\Development\Dynamics\Suspension\Edward's Parts - “Assem1 for sim”.
Fixtures: 2 fixed faces, and two fixed hinges (at UCA and LCA attachment points).
2 bolt connections with no pre-load torque.
Force along the direction specified earlier.
Overview of setup.
Two fixed faces.
Two fixed hinges.
Contact set and bolt connections.
2.73MPa is the max force experience, which is a little less than a SF of 2 with the yield strength of 7071 aluminum at 5MPa.
The result is most likely surface level forces, so this condition is acceptable.
Steering Arm Simulation Results.