UI/UX Resources (Digital Products)
When it comes to design, the majority is likely learned through experience. But this doesn’t mean you can’t pick up the basics beforehand - most of this is self-taught! Here are a few things to get you started:
Figma = free and basically the same as sketch (think of google docs for illustrator :)
Sketch = not free and only saves locally :( but a lot of companies use it
InVision = used for prototyping by a lot of companies, 1 prototype free per account
Balsamiq or Axure = wireframing tools! NOTE: wireframes are different from mockups :P
Principle = another prototyping tool but it’s not free :(
And a lot more!
General Tips to get started
iOS vs. Android design --> https://medium.com/@vedantha/interaction-design-patterns-ios-vs-android-111055f8a9b7
Design Thinking Process --> https://www.toptal.com/designers/product-design/design-thinking-great-questions
Design Thinking Process (another source) --> https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/5-stages-in-the-design-thinking-process
Super fun read that talks about how designers make an impact in tech --> https://essays.uxdesign.cc/tech-diet/?fbclid=IwAR2P56FZUcIfkxeZiq8hsrdRYC1txZlsUjMxGghruJuVnLlv8LiemY7UW54
Product design Overview --> https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/01/comprehensive-guide-product-design/
Service vs. UX design --> https://uxplanet.org/ux-vs-service-design-whats-the-difference-2071fa03c947
UX vs. CX vs. Service design --> https://uxdesign.cc/where-is-the-difference-between-ux-cx-and-service-design-8ce0b8654a43
UI vs. UX Design --> https://www.usertesting.com/blog/ui-vs-ux/
List of design guidelines (Help you decide on typography, layout, app behaviours)
Apple Design System --> https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/overview/themes/
Google Design System --> https://material.io/design/
Microsoft --> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/appuistart/-user-interface-principles
Other cool stuff
Apple Developer videos --> https://developer.apple.com/videos/design/
Apple Mobile Device Resolutions --> https://www.paintcodeapp.com/news/ultimate-guide-to-iphone-resolutions