Sundae (2017)

Sundae (2017)

Length x Width x Height
Weight218 kg
Battery5 kWh
Budget$2,000,000 USD


They did a lot of testing prior to competing at WSC 2017. WSC 2017 was held in early October, and they began testing near the end of August, after unveiling the car in early July. They did drive testing in a variety of locations in Central Valley prior to shipping their car out, including:

  • airfields
  • parking lots
  • non-busy roads

The team flew down a month in advance in order to perform more testing in the Outback. The car was shipped near the end of August, and then cleared customs in the second week of September. They ended up driving the entire WSC route in reverse, in order to validate their strategy model, as well as allowing their drivers to get used to how the car handles.


They received their molds in mid-March, and basically finished all their layups before they performed their unveiling in early July.


They use a Tritium CAN-Ethernet bridge, combined with a wireless router that they connect to in their chase vehicle.

They also have a GPS receiver and antenna that is mounted behind the driver bubble.

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