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Mechanical - Good Stuff | @Adam Marchand @Former user (Deleted) @Robin Pearce | Steering was responsive and stable Aerobody was very aesthetically pleasing, especially the headlights - the car was a “head-turner” We did 3000km with zero tire changes Drop out panel was intelligent - we had easy access to the majority of the electrical system
Mechanical - Bad Stuff
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| Tires were overbuilt, something more flat would have been much more efficient (many teams didn’t need to change even with bridgestone shaved tires) Electrical enclosures really should be OTS Brakes and the wheel assembly needs to be revisited Jacking the car was awful Ballast box location was ehhhhhh bad Doors DFA Electro-mechanical steering column should be investigated Seats Interior design/polish - carbon panels might not work Thermoforming for polycarb for strength and rigidity LATCHES
Firmware - Good Stuff | | Completing the race with minimal changes to firmware was a big win We were able to just build and flash boards when needed, knowing that they would build correctly (thanks to our CI) Having some form of real-time telemetry was invaluable Being able to understand what was going on in the car made debugging things so much easier Really highlighted the importance of telemetry for both ensuring your car is working, and from a strategy perspective This should probably be a requirement that we must have, going forward
Firmware - Bad Stuff | | Solar sense needed to work, because y’know, solar cars More polish due to a lack of debugging time Most of the issues boiled down to architecture in some spots, and needing to hack around design issues It’d be ideal to have more data coming back to us Driver display - should move behind the steering wheel so that drivers do not have to take their eyes off the road to check the speed
Hardware - Good Stuff | | Connectors were mostly good, duracliks were quite nice Having spare parts was good, should always provision to have parts
Hardware - Bad Stuff | | Wire routing was not well done - could have used more planning Too many enclosures - using a master enclosure or two similar to App State I2C Telemetry was not consistent - most likely an XB issue that we didn’t have time to test Backup camera was meh, not killer but not great Precharge was simply too long Motor controllers - did not have internal fans, too spicy Power stalk was a poor choice Battery box needs to be redone, both from weight and labour/assy standpoint