ASC 2018: Day 6
Trip Stats
Date | July 19, 2018 |
Stage | 3 |
Start Location | Bear Hollow Road, Montpelier |
End Location | Butte High School, Arco |
Elapsed Distance | approx. 315.4 km |
Start Elevation | 1820.3 m |
End Elevation | 1623.2 m |
Elevation Δ | -197.1 m |
Observer | Javier González Torres |
Donald Sutcliffe | |
Convoy | Devon Copeland Karl Ding Kaitlyn McCluskie Matt Suski |
Overall, a pretty smooth day. We drove about 315 km with no real problems. The only stop we made was a driver swap, and we finished the day with about a third of our pack remaining.
A lot of this stage was downhill, and we broke some speed records in our car.
The convoy ended up beating some of the support vehicles to the stage stop. At the stage stop, Karl talked to some lady, who was asking where the University of Waterloo was from, and after learning that we were from Canada, mentioned that one of the French-Canadian teams were staying in the basement of their church. She also mentioned that usually there were bikers that came through every year, and they would open the school up for them to shower and sleep in. This year, they didn't come by, but perhaps they would open up the school, and we could stay there.
There was a bit of team miscommunication, as the team waited for the rest of the support vehicles to show up. Some people started doing homework, while others went to the thrift store. After waiting for about an hour, most of team that had arrived was feeling rather hungry, and decided to go to Burger by Number for food—we ended up being the first group of Canadians to eat at the restaurant, and left a signed dollar bill on the wall. During this time, the rest of the team had arrived, and after being told that we had gone to get food, decided to go explore Craters of the Moon.
Apparently, during this period of time, ETS was kicking around a soccer ball near our car, and ended up making a ball-sized dent in the front of our array. They didn't own up to it, but Minnesota later told us that they had watched the events occur.
We were supposed to get Georgia Tech's observer, but they didn't make it in time, and so we got Donald instead.
A few team members drove to an RV park to charge the car and the Model X for the next day, while the rest ended up either camping out in the field outside the school or sleeping inside.
Team # | Team Name | Stage Start | Check Point Arrival | Stage Finish | Penalty Time | Elapsed Time | Miles Credited | E Value | Person km | # External Charges | Q Battery (Wh) |
35 | Minnesota | 09:08:00 | 11:19:11 | 11:59:20 | 00:00:00 | 11:06:41 | 394.9 | 0.573 | 1147.9 | 0 | 6750 |
559 | Bologna | 09:06:00 | 11:31:04 | 13:22:33 | 00:00:00 | 12:31:33 | 394.9 | 0.453 | 2172.8 | 0 | 16800 |
828 | App State | 09:05:00 | 10:59:50 | 12:07:01 | 00:24:00 | 11:41:01 | 394.9 | 0.031 | 635.5 | 2 | 11025 |
24 | Waterloo | 09:09:00 | 12:05:29 | 14:01:22 | 00:01:00 | 13:08:22 | 394.9 | 0.018 | 635.5 | 2 | 15876 |