2024-11-16 Leads Meeting
Everything is good
We ordered PCBs (expected 1.5-2 weeks)
Primary current project: harnessing
Exteriors: tasks going well, R&D continued, new aerobody design journal
Internal structures: Focused on weight reduction for MS15.5, material testing on MS16, Ansys setup
Battery: 1 group on thermals using prototype modules, enclosure redesign started, cell selection (10x)
SUS: Nodal for bellcrank works, calcs on matlab are progressing, RSU initial meeting
STR: Paused until FSU calcs at a better point
BRK: Limit switch mount redesign, parking brake mount design started
Mech lead fill these in ahead of time
Sims documentation
Green on status board for team entry form, and team participation agreement - other documents handed in a while ago so will follow up
PVDR has been submitted
Check out prices for IEF - should make a decision soon if we want the ‘early-bird’ prices
Reminder: All SDC shared spaces are shared for a reason, please be careful with using shared spaces and equipment
Aden and Evan : FE incident, need to be very careful/cautious with use of shared spaces given our past reputation.
I will also communicate this with Electrium since we share a bay now and Electrium does also use the HV room for spot welding on a somewhat frequent basis - Aden
UWAFT stem symposium
Jan 16 - Event for elementary school students, activity setup for ~10 kids
3 good calipers, 3 unideal calipers, 2 very unideal
Batteries for calipers on HW shelf