SSDC Leads 2024-09-25
Term contact information - google sheets update
Form emailed out, needs to get filled out for safety camptain/etc (we’ve done this)
Finance Update - Sarah
WEEF Balances spreadsheet updated
Now can see total balance by term
Requirement for 3 supplier quotes upped (5k → 10k+). Basically no longer needed for most teams
Reimbursements must now be <1 year old to be valid. Absolutely no reimbursing anything over 1 year old.
Facilities update
Borrowing items (tents, etc.) -Graeme
Everything must be returned promptly, give to Graeme or drop outside 2007
Same with vehicle keys, back in student shop ASASP. Make sure to refill vehicles (our bad)
No personal vehicles in the SDC. Don’t do that. Vehicles will be towed out.
No bicycles in the SDC. Not allowed in any university building. We don’t really care, but don’t do it.
SDC Floor Cleaning - No tape/anything left on the SDC floor
Graeme working to clean, has been a pain
You can tape, but must remove within 1 week.
Cleaning floor will done by plant ops, in the future costs will be charged to teams.
SDC Security
Questionable people walking through, keep bay doors locked
Items have gone missing, unless there is someone actively in the bay, doors locked
Call campus police for anything suspicious
Paint/composites room ventilation
Fan should always be on at low speed
In paint room only, switch has changed. Now physical switch, hold for 3 seconds to activate high speed mode for painting.
SDC Common Spaces
Anyone using common SDC Spaces reach out to Graeme
Starting later this term/next term, everyone must. But start early.
Talk to individuals using them, not team leads. Email coming this term
Pressure from deans office for charging for waterjet cutting in ESMS ($3-4k for waterjet consumables/term)
In the future, $0.30/min for waterjet cutting
Will not make sense to cut larger than 1/4 in, send to E3.
Expensive, only for small jobs and short timeframes. Competitive for thin materials.
Meant to be used as supplement for other SDC tools, not standalone cutting service
Team meetings
Review of goal, progress, accomplishments
Peter wants to meet with every team about how SDC can support them better
More targeted to less visible teams, prob not us. Emails coming next week
Go over future plans, additional support requirements, etc.
SDC Moving stuff around, opening additional space. Want to know how best to meet needs.
Faculty advisor discussion
Many teams emailing Peter about faculty advisor in the last few days
Advantages (from team questions)
“memory” of team, passing things down
technical advice
accessing resources within university outside SDC
From peter:
Waterloo is very different form other universities
Have people working for SDC, Sarah, Graeme, Peter. This covers most of what faculty advisors do
What we don’t do - Technical advice
Peter talked to two faculty who were asked from teams
Both after thinking about it a lot said no
Lack of time, setting the bar too high with a lot of works
Peter’s advice: don’t call it faculty advisor. Only technical advisor.
No meetings. No competition. Unless you (faculty) wants to. Use as technical resource, or access to lab equipment/other facilities.
One had already committed to 3 teams, 4 is too many
From peter’s presentation to Eng faculty about growth of SDC
Question from dean about how faculty can work with teams for faculty advice
Dean can work to incentivize faculty to get involved with SDC, on technical basis. Dean is interested and potentially motivated.
SDC Does not keep track of advisors, no signing authority, no booking rooms etc. Only technical advice.
Peter is the ONLY one to sign documents for teams, do not do that via faculty advisor.
Q from electrium: How to get technical advisor
Ask profs who love teaching, poll members who have great profs. Start there
If they say no, get them to recommend you someone else. Capstone advisors also potential
Manufacturing advice
Brian from E3, Graeme, machinists in ESMS happy to offer advice and manufacturing consulations
GIVE THE BIG PICTURE. Don’t feed them tiny bits of a design
Please do this, it will help you. Brian has setup to open CAD, email him and go there to walk through it
Especially for composites
Adding new drivers/updating drivers list
SDC has 5 vehicles, use them.
Commercial vehicle training course
SDC has trailers too, use them.
Peter doing commercial vehicle training in a few weeks, email coming soon (we do not need)
CSA certification of electrical equipment
Reminder: When purchasing, it must be CSA certified if you want to use on campus. Must have certification mark on it.
Peter will do CSA inspection, minimum cost $500 for certification.
Battery powered stuff doesn’t have to be CSA approved
Battery → inverter sketch, don’t do that “ehhhh” from peter
CSA doesn’t matter for generator power
If you replace power supply, and anything downstream is LV, you’re good!
All under responsibility of safety office, you can ask them, but maybe don’t try to bring more attention to it
Bay inspections
Happening once a term - usually week or two after midterms
Every safety captain must inspect another teams bay, pair up at beginning and end of each term
Special scrutiny for CSA approval this term
Toyota sponsorship for student teams
Toyota was being contacted by 20-30 teams for funding, don’t do that anymore
Every year, look at team list, decide who to fund this year.
Last year, two teams got funding (us and FE)
Peter sending out ty letters now, Toyota will decide what teams to fund from list
LEARN courses before entering SDC bays
Safety manual no longer exists
Is this required for members to do?
Answer: Everything fell apart during COVID, didn’t come back together
Not currently a requirement to complete LEARN courses
Peter & Graeme thinking you should do ESMS course, should definitely do, not technically required but very very very much recommended.
Preliminary discussion will happen this term at safety meetings
(strongly) recommend creating your own safety training for your own space
Expect update at next meeting after midterms, Peter will update
Watonomous has a server cluster, WATCloud
Can get compute for free from them (not long running stuff, for short term compute workloads)
Photos for report to Giving Tuesday donors
Giving Tuesday funds last November, distributed funds
Get comp photos (3-4), send to Peter
Will be sent to donors, do ASAP, hopefully get more funding in the future
Extra meeting spaces
New meeting room in CPH, a little cramped but its another room we have.
Deans board room (about E7 2004 sized) also available
Stuff for sale
Selling thigs is totally allowed, not in inventory
Must be sold as individual
Can go through asset disposal to get official receipt from University, contact Peter about this