2021-10-30 All Hands General Meeting - MSXIV Announcement

Important: Please read entire document before asking for clarification.

If you have any questions, please reach out to @Catherine Cai @Kristen S or your subteam leads.

Important Announcement Regarding MSXIV Status

We are ceasing ALL development, design, and manufacturing activities for MSXIV.

This decision was made due to the ongoing Pandemic and at the recommendation of the Department of Engineering.

This means:

  • We are not aiming for American Solar Challenge 2022.

  • We are not continuing manufacturing and design work for MSXIV.

  • We are beginning a new solar vehicle moving forward.


Changes Moving Forward

  1. Midnight Sun is moving toward the Challenge class, Single-Occupant Vehicle (SOV), for the next vehicle.

    1. Vehicle Classes Reference: https://www.americansolarchallenge.org/the-competition/vehicle-classes/

  2. We are now aiming for the 2023/2024 Competitions

    1. We are beginning the design of a vehicle.

    2. We are currently deciding which year is our final decision for competition goal.

  3. Some Team Leads will undergo transition

    1. Some shifts will happen in the current Leadership team.

    2. Transition planning is happening between now and the end of the term.

    3. This will cause changes in Team Structure.

  4. Bay Clean-up, Material Inventories, Projects Wrap Up

    1. We need help with inventory, bay organization. We will announce these working sessions and what type of work will be done.

    2. Projects will be wrapped up by subteam (depending on the type of project and relevance to MSXIV & future vehicle projects). Please ask your subteam leads if you have any questions.


Impact to Members

You are still FULL Members of Midnight Sun.

  • Some of your tasks have been cancelled.

New Opportunities:

  • New design tasks (opportunity for design tasks, designing new parts, etc.)

  • Learning new systems (new class, new technological systems, etc.)

  • Potentially becoming core/lead (based on nomination and interest)

How Team Structure Impacts You

  • The only major change we will be making (for now) is Interiors will be merging with Mech General.

  • Note: ONLY this week’s (Week of Nov. 1, 2021) check-ins will run normally.

Subteam Check-ins are Resuming as Usual

  • Working sessions are still being scheduled (e.g. bay work, inventory, training, etc.)


Transition Timeline

This is a rough transition timeline of what is currently going on behind the scenes and as we move forward with the vehicle and team transition.


Behind-the-Scenes Activities

These are events or situations that are currently being resolved by the leadership and administration team on Midnight Sun.

Team Restructuring Planning

  • Reorganizing structure of subteams and projects.

Working with the University

  • We are discussing plans moving forward with the new vehicle class, new vehicle, and team organization.

  • We are working specifically with the SSDC and Engineering Department.

Contacting Sponsors

  • Informing Sponsors, Supporters, and Alumni of the team about the new situation and discuss partnership plans for the future.

  • PR

Beginning to Get Familiarized with New Regulations of Challenger Class

  • Leads & New Leads will initially be reviewing these to help make decisions for competition target, beginning design conversations.


Subteam Check-in Update/Schedule

This is the current check-in schedule. Any updates will be communicated in Slack.


Q&A From the General Meeting

Why are we changing to challenger class?

  • In short, the Challenge class is physically less complex and we can work toward a simpler design compared to the Cruiser Class.

  • For example, there will be a smaller number of panels compared to the Cruiser class, the Electrical systems will be less complex/not need certain systems.

What’s the expected turn around time for each new car that is taken on?

  • It will depend on the competition that we choose to attend (2023 vs. 2024 - that’s a full year).

  • Previous cycles were 2 years (1 year design, 1 year manufacturing) but we cannot say that this will remain for future vehicle cycles based on our decision of which competition we choose to attend, and build cycle changes.

Which subteams are going through a leadership change?

  • Nothing has been confirmed so we will not currently be sharing specifics. But we will be sure to let everyone know once the details are finalized.

  • Any changes that are made may impact team structure, but for now, no major changes have been determined.

How can we help out with cleaning the bay?

  • leads will be organizing onsite work/clean-up sessions - please keep an eye out for messages from your leads!

Are we still doing socials/ bar nights?

  • Yes!

  • We’ll for sure have and end of term (EOT) social and hopefully try to do weekly/biweekly nights locally in Waterloo.

  • It is flu season and work has piled up for some people, but we’ll try to get them going again.

Is there a general meeting on Wednesday?

  • No general this Wednesday, we’ll be resuming them on November 10th.

What is the goal of the challenger class at ASC? is there a specific criteria that they are looking for (fastest speed, most control...)?

Would there ever be plans to go to the World Solar Challenge?

  • As of right now, we will not be attending any World Solar Challenges due to cost, transportation, shipping, and logistics complications.

What does the competition look like (in general)? how many members go to to the competition and what are the different roles?

  • Typically in the past, we have not put a limit on how many people can go due to not all leads being able to attend and wanting to provide a learning experience for members.

  • However, moving forward, this may change and there may be limits/applications/auditions, etc.

Slides from the General Meeting on Oct. 30, 2021
