LV Power Budget [MSXV]

LV Power Budget [MSXV]

Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p7sRoQ8vFM0XcknKR91l4tNxka4DDQgWxOqwXCTtDZc/edit?usp=sharing


The LV power budget drives the requirements for the power distribution system and feeds into our strategy models to estimate the efficiency of the vehicle.

Typical Power

Typical power is the estimated average consumption of the devices over the entire race. For example, turn lights have a typical power of 0, since we expect them to be off most of the time and contribute negligibly to our power consumption. These are the values that will be used in our strategy models.

Max Power

Max power is based on the worst case power stack up that the power distribution system is expected to deal with. This is not necessarily the sum of the max of each individual load. Ie. the car has 3 relays, each with a pull-in current of 2A, but only one relay will ever pull-in at a time so the max current for all 3 relays combined is still 2A.


Before measured power consumption is available, power is estimated based on the sum of the largest loads based on datasheets, ignoring smaller items that are considered negligible. Ie. the controller board power consumption is estimated based on the MCU and CAN transceiver power consumption only.


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