UV Cutoff Validation Notes [MSXV]

UV Cutoff Validation Notes [MSXV]


Power supplied to the PD_12 and the BAT_IN

  • PD_12 supply set the 12V

    • Checked the voltage at PD_12, and it is correctly 12V

  • BAT_IN set to voltages ranging from 9V to 15V

When first testing and setting the voltage to >12V, the comparator output measured around 12V. However, when turned down to <11V the output still remained high.

Restarting the test, both states produced a 0V output at the comparator.

Afterward, restarted the test but the output of the comparator outputted a voltage less than but proportional to the BAT_IN. For example, with the power supply set to 9V the comparator output was around 6V, with 13V around 7.5V and so on.

Next steps: the validation plan makes sense according to a schematic, will check the physical hardware.



  • Power and ground for PD_12 and BAT_IN are not shorted

  • Checked the respective voltage rails, all seem to be shorted properly

  • Re-validated and the wires connecting the board to the power supply are faulty


  • Validating for HIGH comparator output:

    • BAT_IN set to 14V and the comparator outputted 12V

  • Validating for LOW comparator output:

    • BAT_IN set to 7V and the comparator outputted 0V

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