2020-08-18 PCA9539R IO expander validation notes
2020-08-18 PCA9539R IO expander validation notes
Participants: @Josh Rong (HW) and @Ryan Dancy (FW).
Josh’s new controller board works and we are able to program it, as confirmed by programming
.We were not able to get any logging on minicom from the controller board (device
, running withminicom -D /dev/ttyCMSIS
gave the minicom startup screen, but then nothing).Testing with a multimeter, the PCA9539R smoke test was not able to set GPIO pins on the IO expanders. Manually sending the I2C commands with the I2C smoke test was also unsuccessful.
Upon investigation, Josh switched the SDA and SCL pins during design, which is why I2C comms were unsuccessful.
Resolution: hardware issue with the SDA and SCL pins switched, Josh is working on it.