Themis: Driver Controls
Themis: Driver Controls
Themis lived in the steering wheel and handled almost all driver input. It controlled Lights and the motor controllers.
- TI MSP430F247
- 20x4 LCD
- 2 10k pots used for throttle and brake
- A number of buttons and switches
- Read level of throttle/brake and controlled the motor controllers accordingly
- Activated lights on the car when turn signals or the hazard button was pressed
- Displayed information (speed, battery voltage, etc.) to the driver
- Activated the horn on Chaos
High-Level Operating Details
- The LCD and throttle/brake should be moved off the steering wheel. When turning, they are difficult to use.
- The pots used for throttle/brake were most likely damaged over time by the constant tension. We should explore a more mechanical solution.
- The cables should definitely be routed through a quick-connect system next time. We had issues with the CAN cable limiting rotation.
- There should be a dedicated BPS fault LED. It would make life easier.
- There were too many buttons and switches that required crimps. They should be soldered directly to the PCB or use sockets.
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