Better Batteries

This page is to keep track of the advancements being made in the batteries in EV sectors so that we can hopefully implement them in future cars.


We will focus on a few main areas of advancement:

  • CELLS (chemistry)
    What chemicals and processes are storing the energy inside the pack?
    How can these chemicals be made more efficient in volumetric and gravimetric densities?
    What chemicals can be used to decrease the risk of fire?

  • COOLING (thermodynamics)
    How do we keep the operating temperature low enough to maintain a long life?
    How do we prevent thermal runaway (TR) and TR propagation?

  • MANAGEMENT (electronics)
    How do we reduce the complexity and increase measurement accuracy?
    How do we ensure the reliability of communications?
    How do we remove uncertainty from measurements?
    How do we reduce the number of points of failure?

  • STRUCTURE (mechanical)
    How do we ensure the battery is not damaged in the event of a crash?
    How do we integrate the battery in a cohesive system with the rest of the car?

    How do we de-risk individual cell failure?
    How do we make assembly processes easier and avoid the potential of a shock?
    How do we ensure that repairs will happen quickly and safely?
    How do we make the assembly process safer?