Sponsorship 101


General Overview

Sponsorship is hard. Communication is hard. This document was created with the intention of centralizing sponsorship for all subteams across Midnight Sun. You already know what sponsorship is, and you already know why sponsorship is important. Let’s get to the details of how to properly acquire a sponsor, and keep that information open to avoid any sorts of miscommunication

Steps for Sponsorship

1. Reach Out to the Sponsor

Reach out using this email template:Sponsorship Email Template. While reaching out to sponsors, be sure to CC sponsorship@uwmidsun.com to ensure that the sponsorship team is aware of any sponsorship activity across all subteams.


2. Record the Sponsor in the Excel Sheet

This is the link for the Excel Sheet: MSXVI Sponsorship Workbook.xlsx. When filling out the Excel sheet be sure to keep it regularly updated.