Indigogo Email Templates

Thank You/Welcome Email (Upon Backing)

Subject: Thank you for Supporting Midnight Sun!


Dear <Backer Name>,

Thank you for your generous support in backing the development of our newest solar car, MSXIV, especially in light of current times.

We are currently in the process of manufacturing our car for the 2020 American Solar Challenge taking place next July and would like to you to join us on this journey! Over the <next month/remainder of September>, we will be running this crowdfunding event while we continue to work towards the completion of MSXIV. Your support makes it possible for us to purchase equipment and materials, as well as costs we require during the competition, which includes fees and the ability for students to participate.

We look forward to sharing with you our progress as we advance towards the finish line.



<Team Title>

<Generic Team Contact Info>


**Note: Depending on the number of backers, it would be a good idea to have a semi-personalized line in an email that thanks them.

Thank you Email (Post Campaign)

Subject: Post Campaign Update from Midnight Sun


Dear <Backer Name>,

Even as our fundraising campaign comes to a halt, we will not be pressing the brakes on our progress until we reach our destination. Thank you for your support during the duration of our campaign. Midnight Sun’s members have been working earnestly during this time, many of which are working remotely across the world and continue to practice the utmost safety while some of us have access to our working space.

From here, the journey continues as we still have many a ways to go in completing our vehicle. We will be sending out updates on a monthly basis, which may include the current progress on the variety of components in the car, major milestones along the way, and any other updates we may have.

We look forward to reaching the finish line with you.



<Team Title>

<Generic Contact Information>

Monthly/Milestone Update

Subject: [<Month> Update/Milestone!]


Dear <Backer Name>,

Paragraph 1: Any new information for backer, or major updates that have been completed.

Paragraph 2: More information for the major updates

Paragraph 3: Any minor updates? or What’s coming up next

Closing sentence…



<Team Title>

<Generic Contact Information>

Photo Suggestions

Each of the emails (especially updates and campaign conclusion) should include an image that one of the following or others:

  • Renders

  • Parts

  • Working in action

  • Team photos

  • Perks (physical items )

Remaining Email Scenarios

  • Perks Manufacturing Update (when manufacturing for the perks begin)

  • Perks Shipping Updates - this can be done in waves depending on which perks are shipping first, next, etc. in batches

  • (Conditional) Perk Shipping Delay - probably something to do with COVID-19 or Christmas, etc.

Resources for Crowdfunding Updates: